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Abbot's Biography


1. Name

Phra Mongkol Phatthanaphon, nickname Pitithanonto, age 63 years, 43 years, academic status, first-class Dhamma scholar.

Currently holding the position

1. Abbot

2. Abbot of Ban Phaeo District


2. Status quo

Name: Mr. Direk, surname: Pititanan, born on Sunday, April 13, 1988.

Father's name: Mr. Thaweesak Mother's name: Mrs. Nonglak Pititanan

At house number 93, Village No. 3, Nong Song Hong Subdistrict Ban Phaeo District Samut Sakhon Province



3. Ordination

Saturday, February 24, 1979 at Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple Yok Krabat Subdistrict, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province


Phra Upachaya Phrakru Phiphat Sakontham Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple Yok Krabat Subdistrict, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province


Phra karma words Phrakhru Panyasakhontham, Rong Khe Temple, Rong Khe Subdistrict, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province


Monument of Nachan Phrakru Sangkharakchum Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple Yok Krabat Subdistrict, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province


4. Science status

1974 Graduated from Mathayom 5 at Wat Pradu Nai Thrangtham School.


1981 passed the examination for first-class Dhamma scholar. Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple Samut Sakhon Provincial Faculty School


2010 received an honorary Master of Buddhist Studies degree. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University



5. Administrative work


1983 - He was an assistant abbot of Wat Lak Si Rat Samoson.


1985 - Was the deputy abbot of Lak Si Rat Samosason Temple.

        - It is the teachings of the Buddha.


1994 - Was the Deputy Abbot of Yok Krabat Subdistrict.

1994 - became a preceptor


1999 - Became the Abbot of Yok Krabat Subdistrict.


2009 - Became the Abbot of Ban Phaeo District.


2009 - Became the abbot of Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple.


6. Educational work


1980 became a teacher of Pariyatti Dhamma Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple School


2000, became a member of the Sanam Luang Dharma Committee


2000 - present, is the chairman of the educational institution committee of Wat Lak Si Rat Samoson School. Yok Krabat Subdistrict, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province


2004 - present is the chairman of the educational institution committee of Wat Lak Si Phiphat Rat Utpatham School. Yok Krabat Subdistrict, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province


2012 - present is the chairman of the educational institution committee of Ban Khe School, Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province.


2014 was the head of the Pariyatti Dhamma School, Pali Division, Religious Studies Office, Lak Si Rat Samoson Temple.



7. Monastic rank


1990 became "Phrakhru Sangkharak" under the royal patronage of His Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Abbot of Samut Sakhon Province

     Jesadaram Temple, Mueang District, Samut Sakhon Province.


B.E. 2537 (1994) as "Phrakhru Satthawimon “The Royal Encyclopedia under His Royal Highness Phra Thammavarodom, the Abbot of Region 6.

      Committee of the Sangha Supreme Council Wat Benchamabophit Dusitwanaram Bangkok



2003 received the royal title He is Phrakru Sanyabat Subdistrict Abbot, second class

    In the royal title “Phrakhru Sakornphipatthanaphon”



2008 received the royal title Become Phrakru Sanyabat First-class sub-district chief in the original royal name



2012 received the royal title Become Phrakru Sanyabat Special District Chief in the original royal name



2016 received the royal title He is an ordinary royal monk. In the royal name "Phra Mongkhon Phatthanaphon"


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